
Happy Monday!

I hope you are feeling safe and calm. I am choosing to see what is happening worldwide as

an opportunity for us to do things differently...and to do different things.

To this end I have a few invitations for you. Watch the video (7.57 minutes) to find out more. I'm loving the 7.57... Looks like this Boeing aeroplane is ready for take off! 

Invitation 1.

As I explained in the video 321 Focus starts again this Thursday March 19th. For anyone who wants to sign up there are three pricing options: regular €33 / discounted price €11 / FREE. 

If you want to sign up for FREE use code: 321FREE
If you want to sign up for €11 use code: 321FOR11

Already the 321 Daily Meditation has helped several people feel safer and calmer. WHO DO YOU KNOW THAT 321 FOCUS MIGHT HELP? If you've been staying quiet about your beliefs...maybe it's time to be brave and share this. You just don't know who might really need a new way of seeing life.


Feel free to join me on my Facebook timeline for Positive Central if you need somewhere to connect with like minded people! I'll be posting at 10am, 2pm, 6pm each day - Monday to Saturday and 6pm Sunday. NO pressure. You'll know if it's something you want to do.

I also picked a card to support us:

I love the REAL ME!

The reverse message:

I am WISE and POWERFUL. Cool!

Here's the original video....

Here's the original video....

If at any stage you want to Pick-a-Card...you'll find all the original My Kinda Magik videos here on my website. If you're on your phone...just scroll up...and see where it stops!

If you're finding these newsletters and videos helpful, please feel free to share with anyone you think would benefit from some weekly Magik! (It's as simple as forwarding this link)

Have a GREAT week!

I hope you seize and EMBRACE this AMAZING opportunity to create a NEW LIFE.

Till next Monday...have FUN!

Signature for My Kinda Magik April 2017.png


P.S. You'll find a full schedule of my 'in person' and online courses on my website.If you'd like more information and/or to get your own pack of My Kinda Magik Cards you'll find all the details you need here on my website together with information on my books.

P.P.S. If you want to catch up on the previous videos here's the link to the playlist for 'A bit of Magik for the week ahead!' and you'll find all past newsletters here in my blog on my website. I've also a video library of all the Magik cards here on my website if you need to Pick a Card at any time for support and guidance!

P.P.P.S. Did you know that ALL MY AFFIRMATIONS are available together on my website for you to browse any time you like? Here's the link to the Affirmation Gallery! ENJOY!

I regularly share affirmations and other insights on Facebook and Twitter.
Click in the menu if you'd like to follow me!