Tús Maith o’clock #5 - Just for TODAY!


This week I want to share this morning’s insight:

Just for TODAY…or maybe just for these few minutes…

I got all stressed out about something I’m really looking forward to. Then it dawned on me…eventually this morning…that I have 10 days to get everything sorted. I didn’t always get stressed so easily but like most people I’ve survived lots of trauma…and now things that never impacted me before stress me out. BIG hug if you identify with this. It’s not easy to see yourself with less resilience…especially when you’ve high standards for yourself!! (Truth be told…it’s probably the menopause too!) 

Anyway…when I put things in perspective that I have more than enough time…I remembered this wonderful insight I know I’ve shared before…JUST FOR TODAY…and I immediately realised I can easily do and cope with today’s list…and the RELIEF was incredible.

SO, my invitation is to gift yourself the relief of ‘Just for today’…or maybe it’s just for a few breaths or five minutes. Allow yourself the relief of letting go of the pressure.

I found it unfroze me… so I could think and start to function, I then had a big argument between my head (black & white dress) and heart (green cardi) and made a decision and set myself a healthy deadline of 12.12. (Loads more in the video)

I’ve also gone back to my old practice of pulling some My Kinda Magik cards. I split the deck to reveal        
I feel SO happy!

  What makes me happy? (Make a list and do something each day!)

 ‘I believe in my dreams.’ was at the bottom of the deck. (You couldn’t make it up!)

If you are going through anything like this, in any area of your life, please go gently.


you’ll find all the Tús Maith information here. Remember, reading the recipe book never baked the cake. These two simple practices will take between 5 and 10 minutes a day.

Join me here next Monday to get your week off to a great start again OR sign up for my newsletter and get next week's video in your inbox at 5pm. (Irish time)

Have a great day and a FAB week!

ALL my love, M