Starting From Experience - The Dressing Gown Diaries

Happy Monday!

I hope you are safe and well. 

With the prospect of going to Level 5 (restricted movement) looming, it is important to remember:

We are not starting from scratch, we are starting from experience.

The video (6.47 minutes) has several insights about our transformation and the reminder:
YOU have a 100% success rate of surviving everything you have had to face in your life to date.

Supporting Myself to create MY New Life!

As I explained in the video last week, over the next few weeks we'll have a question to reflect on each week to create a new vision for the future. This week we consider our mind.

2. What do I need to do to support my mind / my mental health?

Consider the following:
- everything from your body / physical health reflection last week
- offline time
- declutter your inbox 
- meditation / yoga / walks in nature

It would be a good idea to journal all these questions and answers together.  

If you need to catch up you'll find question 1 here.

As usual, I picked a card to support us:

Work is FUN.

The reverse message:


Here's the original video....

If at any stage you want to'll find all the original My Kinda Magik videos here on my website. If you're on your phone...just scroll up...and see where it stops!

If you're finding these newsletters and videos helpful, please feel free to share with anyone you think would benefit from some weekly Magik! (It's as simple as forwarding this link)

Have a GREAT week!

Till next Monday...have FUN!

Signature for My Kinda Magik April 2017.png