Message in a bottle! - The Dressing Gown Diaries

Happy Wednesday!

I hope you are safe and well.

I just want to share a crazy story about my message in a bottle or rather on a jar of coffee. It took me well over a year and two jars of coffee to finally SEE the message that had been under my nose!

You'll get the whole story in the video. (5.40 minutes)

"Why pursue anything less than gold."

This instantly gave me great clarity. No more excuses. No more settling.

Are there things in your vicinity trying to talk to you too?

As usual, I picked a card to support us:

Respect is VITAL.

The reverse message:

I respect others.
I respect ME.
I insist I am respected at ALL times.
Respect is not negotiable.

Here's the original video....

321 Focus starts again on September 23rd!

I am really excited to be leading the transformational 30 day online challenge for the 15th time starting on September 23rd. It is a great journey of self-reflection and self-awareness and a wonderful opportunity to start / solidify daily self-care habits of meditation, gratitude and intention setting.

You'll find more info here or you can sign up here!

If at any stage you want to'll find all the original My Kinda Magik videos here on my website. If you're on your phone...just scroll up...and see where it stops!

As I explained in a previous video, I'm working on breaking free of any 'shoulds' that are no longer right for me and / or mean that I am not fully authentic in how I show up and serve in the world. Consequently, from now on, the newsletters and Dressing Gown Diaries videos will arrive when I have something important I want to share! (You can sign up for the FREE newsletter here!)

Till we connect again, sending ALL my love...have FUN!